S. Noël and J. Hermann. Reducing nanoparticles in metal ablation plumes produced by two delayed short laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 94:053120, 2009. [ bib ]

S. Noël, E. Axente, and J. Hermann. Investigation of plumes produced by material ablation with two time-delayed femtosecond laser pulses. Applied Surface Science, 255(24):9738-9741, 2009. [ bib ]

E. Axente, S. Noël, J. Hermann, M. Sentis, and IN Mihailescu. Subpicosecond laser ablation of copper and fused silica: Initiation threshold and plasma expansion. Applied Surface Science, 255(24):9734-9737, 2009. [ bib ]

E. Axente, S. Noël, J. Hermann, M. Sentis, and IN Mihailescu. Correlation between plasma expansion and damage threshold by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41:105216, 2008. [ bib ]

J. Hermann, S. Noël, T.E. Itina, E. Axente, and M.E. Povarnitsyn. Correlation between ablation efficiency and nanoparticle generation during the short-pulse laser ablation of metals. Laser Physics, 18(4):374-379, 2008. [ bib ]

T.E. Itina, K. Gouriet, L.V. Zhigilei, S. Noël, J. Hermann, and M. Sentis. Mechanisms of small clusters production by short and ultra-short laser ablation. Applied Surface Science, 253(19):7656-7661, 2007. [ bib ]

S. Noël, J. Hermann, and T. Itina. Investigation of nanoparticle generation during femtosecond laser ablation of metals. Applied Surface Science, 253(15):6310-6315, 2007. [ bib ]

K. Gouriet, TE Itinaa, S. Noëla, J. Hermanna, M. Sentisa, and L. Zhigileib. Formation of nanoparticles by short and ultra-short laser pulses. In Proc. of SPIE Vol, volume 7005, pages 70050T-1. [ bib ]

T.E. Itina, M.E. Povarnitsyn, K. Gouriet, S. Noël, and J. Hermann. Mechanisms of nanoparticle formation by short laser pulses. In Proceedings of SPIE, volume 6458, page 64581U, 2007. [ bib ]

S. Noël and J. Hermann. Influence of irradiation conditions on plume expansion induced by femtosecond laser ablation of gold and copper. In Proceedings of SPIE, volume 6785, page 67850F, 2007. [ bib ]

J. Hermann, P. Démeter, P. Alloncle, S. Noël, and J. Hermann. Analyse élémentaire des matériaux par spectroscopie du plasma d'ablation laser. In Proceedings du 6ème colloque international francophone sur les méthodes et techniques optiques pour l'industrie, CD-ROM. [ bib ]

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